Platform edge under renovation at Shady Grove station
Platform at Franconia-Springfield
L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Metro Center station [05]
Red Line train at Forest Glen station [01]
Red Line train at Forest Glen station [02]
CTA Davis station [03]
Fullerton station
Former Skokie Swift cars
Uncovered Dupont Circle station entrance pylon
Orange Line train at Minnesota Avenue
Train approaches Landover station
New Carrollton station [03]
New Carrollton station [02]
CTA Davis station [02]
Purple Line train at Davis station [02]
Blue Line to Huntington
Glenmont station [02]
Orange Line train at West Falls Church
5000-Series railcar at West Falls Church station
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [02]
Yellow Line train at Fort Totten
Platform at Franconia-Springfield [02]
New Carrollton platform pylon
Orange Line train arriving at New Carrollton
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [02]
PIDS screen at McPherson Square
PIDS screen at Huntington
Blue Line trains at Eisenhower Avenue
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [01]
Blue Line train at Huntington [01]
Blue Line train at Huntington [02]
Yellow Line train at Van Dorn Street
Yellow Line train at Franconia-Springfield
Orange Line train at Largo Town Center
Orange Line train to Largo Town Center
Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [02]
PIDS screen at Pentagon City
Car 5154 at Greenbelt station [01]
Van Dorn Street station [02]
Orange Line train arriving at Cheverly [01]
Bethesda Metro station entrance pylon [02]
Blue Line train at King Street station
Yellow Line train at King Street station
Shaw-Howard University pylon
WMATA railcar 2075
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
Interior of WMATA railcar 4018
Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Red Line train at Metro Center
Woodley Park-Zoo collision
Rosslyn upper level platform [02]
Metro Center station [01]
Red Line tunnel between Metro Center and Gallery Place
Metro Center station entrance pylon
Blue Line train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Fort Totten lower level [02]
Wiehle-Reston East
Spring Hill platform canopy
Spring Hill station entrance pylon
Entrance to Greensboro station
Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
McLean station entrance pylon [01]
Silver Line VIP parking lot
Mezzanine at Wiehle-Reston East
Freight train at Martinsburg [01]
Freight train at Martinsburg [02]
Freight train at Martinsburg [03]
Orange Line train at Vienna
MARC locomotive 24 at Point of Rocks
MARC locomotive 20 at Point of Rocks
Point of Rocks station building
VRE locomotive V58 at Franconia-Springfield
7000-Series train at Franconia-Springfield
Interior of car 7033 [01]
Interior of car 7033 [02]