Crystal Mall office buildings
Rosslyn Metro Mall entrance
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [04]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [08]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [07]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [06]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [05]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [04]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [03]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [02]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [01]
Office buildings along Lakeforest Boulevard and Russell Avenue
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [01]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [04]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [02]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [03]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [01]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [02]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [03]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [04]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [05]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [06]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [07]
Golf Mill Shopping Center [08]
South Park Plaza [01]
South Park Plaza [02]