Hooters girls at Norfolk Waterside
Wheelock 7002T at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Wheelock 7002T at Zane Showker Hall [01]
Walmart snack bar
March on Crystal City [37]
Fire alarm pull station in Crystal City Underground [01]
Fire alarm pull station in Crystal City Underground [02]
Bradley Manning rally [21]
Sable at Staunton DMV
Intersection of Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive
Shoes hanging from bridge cable [02]
Shoes hanging from bridge cable [01]
Cloud over Richmond
Clouds over Richmond
Yield sign
Wheelock 7002T at Zane Showker Hall [05]
Wheelock 7002T at Zane Showker Hall [04]
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [03]
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [01]
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [02]
Stop sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [07]
Ciro's Pizza E Cucina
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [04]
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [06]
Walmart in Culpeper, Virginia [05]
Lowe's in Charlottesville, Virginia
No parking sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company [01]
No parking sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company [02]
Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
Reserved parking at Sharp Shopper in Waynesboro, Virginia
Flag in front of the Exxon on West Main Street
Exxon on West Main Street
Reserved parking at Martin's in Waynesboro, Virginia
One way sign on West Frederick Street
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [02]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [03]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [04]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [05]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [06]
Fire alarm at 11 North Central Avenue
Reminders about the baseball game
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
House on Springer Road
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Intersection of South Medical Park Drive and Lifecore Drive
Ghost bike in Lucketts, Virginia
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
"This bin isn't for trash" [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
"This bin isn't for trash" [02]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
"This bin isn't for trash" [03]
Sign for Hartman Hall [01]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [03]
Sign for Hartman Hall [02]
Fireplace at Zane Showker Hall
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [01]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [02]
Room 1121 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [03]
Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [03]
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [01]
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [02]
Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [03]
Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Standard wall clock at Gabbin Hall
Room 0212 at Zane Showker Hall [04]
Whiteboard in Zane Showker Hall room 0212 [01]
Whiteboard in Zane Showker Hall room 0212 [02]
Grab & Go area at Walmart
Grocery aisle marker sign at Walmart
Truck rest area sign