SlutWalk DC 2012 [07]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [08]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [09]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [10]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [11]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [12]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [13]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [14]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [15]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [16]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [17]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [18]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [19]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [20]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [21]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [22]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [23]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [24]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [25]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [26]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [27]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [28]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [29]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [30]
Snow car
Spraying water on Webster House
Square and Compasses on the grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
SunTrust building in downtown Washington, DC [01]
Tall Cedars Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Taxpayer March on Washington [01]
Taxpayer March on Washington [02]
Taxpayer March on Washington [03]
Taxpayer March on Washington [04]
Taxpayer March on Washington [05]
Taxpayer March on Washington [06]
The White House in late afternoon
TheBus 63025 at Morgan Boulevard station
Train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Train at East Falls Church station [01]
Train at L'Enfant Plaza lower level [01]
Train at L'Enfant Plaza lower level [02]
Train at Potomac Avenue station [04]
Train at Potomac Avenue station [05]
Train stored in the tail track at Huntington [01]
Treasury Department warehouse
Twitter handle on the Aqueduct Bridge stub
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [03]
Two women on the Aqueduct Bridge stub
United States Capitol at night [01]
United States Capitol at night [02]
United States Capitol at night [03]
Upper levels of Old Post Office Pavilion
Urinal at Shake Shack in Dupont Circle
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [01]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [02]
View from Old Post Office Tower
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [01]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [01]
Walmart on H Street NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [03]
Walmart on H Street NW [04]
Walmart on H Street NW [05]
Washington Monument from 15th Street SW
Washington Monument from FDR Memorial
West Falls Church escalators [02]
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [02]
Wheelock Exceder horn/strobe at District Taco
WMATA 2024 cherry blossom train
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [01]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [02]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [03]
Woman walking across Freedom Plaza
World Bank/IMF demonstration [07]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [07]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [08]
Zentai in front of the Washington Monument