Smithsburg, Maryland and vicinity [02]
Woomy on the bed [04]
Nissan Frontier [03]
Voting in the 2020 general election
Little Free Library at Clarksburg High School [01]
Little Free Library at Clarksburg High School [02]
Tubs of garlic spread at Walmart
No grocery sales except when purchasing electronics
Power transmission lines in Laytonsville
Political sign about ballot questions
Brink and Wightman Roads [03]
Brink and Goshen Roads [03]
Brink and Goshen Roads [01]
Brink and Goshen Roads [06]
Brink and Goshen Roads [09]
Brink and Wightman Roads [02]
Brink and Goshen Roads [02]
Brink and Goshen Roads [07]
Brink and Goshen Roads [10]
Barbed wire in Laytonsville, Maryland [02]
Brink and Wightman Roads [01]
Brink and Goshen Roads [04]
Brink and Goshen Roads [05]
Brink and Goshen Roads [08]
Restroom at New Carrollton station [01]
Restroom at New Carrollton station [02]
Jars of food at Kielbasa Factory
Canned food at Maruichi
Jars of mustard at Kielbasa Factory
Angry broccoli
Chocolate chip cookies [01]
Chocolate chip cookies [02]
Chocolate chip cookies [03]
Men's restroom at Mason Dixon Welcome Center [01]
Men's restroom at Mason Dixon Welcome Center [02]
Woomy takes a nap
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [03]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [04]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [05]
Fare machine for Ride On Flash bus
Cigar room at Total Wine & More
Bottles of Acqua Panna spring water
Social distancing sign at Total Wine & More
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [01]
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [02]
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [01]
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [02]
Children's reusable face masks
Best Foods mayonnaise
Pizza from Rad Pies
Woomy tries to drive a Jeep
Woomy plays Space Invaders
Hangar at Hagerstown airport
Cushwa Brewing Company
Elyse holds Woomy by the arm
Big Lots Odd Lots trailer
Banana selfie
Volkswagen Beetle with eyelashes
Sheetz car wash being transported by truck
WTBO sign [07]
WTBO sign [06]
WTBO sign [05]
WTBO sign [04]
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [03]
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [02]
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [01]
Taco Bell/Pizza Hut [02]
Taco Bell/Pizza Hut [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [04]
Wills Creek
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [01]
Union Switch & Signal builder's plate
Railroad signal with button copy [04]
Railroad signal with button copy [03]