Railroad signal with button copy [02]
Railroad signal with button copy [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [03]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [04]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [03]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [01]
Cumberland park rules sign
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad bridge [04]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad bridge [03]
Blue Bridge [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad bridge [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad bridge [01]
No trespassing sign [02]
No trespassing sign [01]
Blue Bridge [02]
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [06]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [11]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [10]
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [05]
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [04]
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [03]
Stairs to Sideling Hill overlook
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [02]
Stairs from Sideling Hill overlook
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [09]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [08]
Coin-operated viewer at Sideling Hill cut [02]
Coin-operated viewer at Sideling Hill cut [01]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [07]
Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill [01]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [06]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [05]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [04]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [03]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [02]
Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [01]
Sign with corrected lettering
Former Aspen Hill post office
Monster Cereals
Wheelock RSS strobe made from Legos [01]
Wheelock RSS strobe made from Legos [02]
Wheelock NS horn/strobe made from Legos [01]
Wheelock NS horn/strobe made from Legos [02]
Squisito in Glen Burnie, Maryland [01]
Squisito in Glen Burnie, Maryland [02]
Squisito in Glen Burnie, Maryland [03]
Squisito in Glen Burnie, Maryland [04]
Gabriel Brothers in Glen Burnie, Maryland [01]
Tractor Supply and Spirit Halloween
Fire alarm pull station and button at Gabriel Brothers
Spirit Halloween
Gabriel Brothers in Glen Burnie, Maryland [02]
Metrobus 2220 at Largo Town Center
Walmart shelf label
"Bobo" dachshund toy
Former Shoppers in Ellicott City, Maryland [01]
Former Shoppers in Ellicott City, Maryland [02]
Former Shoppers in Ellicott City, Maryland [03]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf, Maryland
Taco Bell in Waldorf, Maryland [02]
Taco Bell in Waldorf, Maryland [01]
Cameron's Seafood Restaurant
Best 1 Food Mart
Car wash triple foam [02]
Car wash triple foam [01]
Ted's Hawaiian Burger
Shady Grove rail yard [01]
Shady Grove rail yard [02]
Shady Grove rail yard [03]
Traffic circle in Derwood, Maryland
Elyse laughing
Row of HR-Vs at Walmart in Frederick, Maryland
American flag over Frederick in late afternoon
Car accident at Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue, October 9, 2022 [04]
Car accident at Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue, October 9, 2022 [06]