Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [02]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [03]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [04]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [08]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [07]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [06]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [05]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [01]
Geese flying along the Patuxent River
Canada goose on the Patuxent River
Canada geese on the Patuxent River
Mooring dolphin with osprey nest [02]
Elyse smiles for the camera
Piney Point shoreline [01]
Piney Point shoreline [02]
Piney Point Bar [02]
Piney Point Bar [03]
Piney Point Bar [04]
Elyse walks along the beach
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [04]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [05]
Elyse stands in a short doorway
Elyse gives an obscene gesture
Beached mushroom cap jellyfish
Piney Point Lighthouse bell
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Island in the Potomac River
Point of Rocks Bridge [03]
Point of Rocks Bridge [05]
Point of Rocks Bridge [02]
Point of Rocks Bridge [01]
Point of Rocks Bridge [04]
Point of Rocks Bridge [06]
Point of Rocks Bridge [07]
Point of Rocks Bridge [08]
Point of Rocks Bridge [09]
Point of Rocks Bridge [10]
Point of Rocks Bridge [11]
Hurricane Isabel waterline plaque
Shepherdstown rail bridge [07]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [02]
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [02]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [01]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [05]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [06]
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [03]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [08]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [04]
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [05]
Potomac River near Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [01]
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [04]
Shepherdstown rail bridge [03]
Patapsco River at Grist Mill Bridge
Fort Carroll [10]
Fort Carroll [03]
Fort Carroll [07]
Fort Carroll [04]
Fort Carroll [05]
Fort Carroll [09]
Fort Carroll [02]
Fort Carroll [06]
Fort Carroll [08]
Fort Carroll [01]
Aerial view of Diamond Point Plaza
Francis Scott Key Bridge [01]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [03]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [04]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [05]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [06]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [07]