L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [01]
L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [02]
Escalators at L'Enfant Plaza station, Maryland Avenue entrance
L'Enfant Plaza station entrance pylon, February 2003
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Illegal parking at bus stop
Henderson Avenue and Glenn Street
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
Railroad crossbuck
"No parking this side of street"
Railroad crossing lights at Baltimore Street
Town Clock Church [01]
Town Clock Church [02]
Town Clock Church [03]
House with deteriorated uppermost level
600 block of Elm Street
211 Emily Street
Painted houses on Bedford Street [01]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [02]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
416 Park Street
310 Park Street
300 Park Street
402 Park Street
Satellite dish on roof of home
216 Park Street
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
Bedford Street
Town Clock Church [04]
Maroon and white house on Bedford Street
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Traffic signal with cameras
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
Volkswagen Beetle on Blair Stone Lane [01]
Volkswagen Beetle on Blair Stone Lane [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [04]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
1901 North Charles Street
Discarded can of National Bohemian
DC-Maryland border
2931 Weisman Road [01]
2931 Weisman Road [02]
2931 Weisman Road [03]
Marlow Heights Shopping Center
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [02]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [03]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [01]
US 301 sign at St. Charles Towne Center
Mooring dolphin with osprey nest [02]
Elyse smiles for the camera
Piney Point shoreline [01]
Piney Point shoreline [02]
Piney Point Bar [02]
Piney Point Bar [03]
Piney Point Bar [04]
Elyse walks along the beach
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [04]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [05]
Elyse stands in a short doorway
Elyse gives an obscene gesture
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [01]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [02]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [03]
Discarded Pepsi can [03]
Discarded Pepsi can [02]
Discarded Pepsi can [01]
Walking along the beach at Piney Point
Photographing from a dock
Mooring dolphin with osprey nest [01]
Potomac River at Piney Point
Piney Point Bar [01]