Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [01]
Vintage Arby's sign in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Vintage Arby's sign in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [03]
Discarded "Oklahoma" record
Beltway Motel guest building [01]
Beltway Motel sign
Beltway Motel guest building [02]
White Elk Motel
Motel Valencia
Vintage exit sign at Privacy World
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]
Fire-Lite BG-6 at 11161 New Hampshire Avenue [01]
Fire-Lite BG-6 at 11161 New Hampshire Avenue [02]
Marlow Heights Shopping Center
Ames bag on the side of the road [02]
Ames bag on the side of the road [01]
Flowers growing on a retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [04]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [03]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [02]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [01]
Vintage Cadillac ambulance [02]
Vintage Cadillac ambulance [01]
Ninjor toy [01]
Ninjor toy [02]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [08]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [07]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [06]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [05]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [04]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [03]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [02]
Vintage railroad crossbuck [01]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [01]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [02]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [04]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [03]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [05]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [06]
Camera photographing signs at Bel Alton Motel
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [09]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [03]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [02]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [01]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [11]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [12]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [08]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [07]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [10]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [04]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [05]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [06]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [05]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [12]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [11]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [10]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [09]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [08]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [07]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [06]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [04]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [03]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [06]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [05]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [04]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [03]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [02]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [01]
International S-100 truck [03]
International S-100 truck [02]
International S-100 truck [01]
Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [02]