Interior of WMATA railcar 4018
Interior of WMATA railcar 3283
Rainbow over Federal Plaza [01]
Rainbow over Federal Plaza [02]
Dolfin Winners swim jammer
Interior of Washington Metro car 4090
Dragon shoes
Squashed tomato at Roots Market
DC Transit 1101
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [01]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [02]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Brighton Dam Road [01]
Brighton Dam Road [02]
Brighton Dam Road [03]
Brighton Dam Road [04]
Sidewalk graffiti
Food on parking lot
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [01]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [02]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [04]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [03]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [05]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [06]
McDonald's on Frederick Road
Home Depot pickup tower
Stop work order at Mac Business Solutions
Woomy buckled in and ready to ride
Woomy on the bed [01]
Woomy on the bed [02]
Black & Decker convertible electric lawn mower
Woomy looks at Reddit
Social distancing sign at Big Lots
Carts blocking an entrance in Home Depot
Silk pumpkin spice almond milk
Soft drink cooler at Sunoco station
Skeleton with mask
Woomy on the bed [03]
Woomy on the bed [04]
Woomy takes a nap
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [03]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [04]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [05]
Woomy on the roof of the HR-V
Juices at Whole Foods Market
Interstate 76 sign on Green Lane Bridge
Woomy on the bed [05]
Woomy wears a hat
Home Depot in Germantown, Maryland
Sodas at H Mart in Gaithersburg
Opal apple at Giant Food [01]
Honeycrisp apple at Giant Food
Opal apple at Giant Food [02]
McIntosh apple at Giant Food
Stained glass at the Mormon Temple
Rainbow Crocs
Staunton Mall demolition progress, August 2022 [22]
Staunton Mall demolition progress, August 2022 [21]
Staunton Mall demolition progress, August 2022 [20]
Staunton Mall demolition progress, August 2022 [23]
Selfie in Today's Special sweatshirt [01]
Selfie in Today's Special sweatshirt [01]
Elyse poses with a fire alarm pull station
Elyse smiles at Harris Teeter
Garbage truck on Muncaster Mill Road
Upended car at Hyattstown Volunteer Fire Department [01]
Upended car at Hyattstown Volunteer Fire Department [02]
Upended car at Hyattstown Volunteer Fire Department [03]
Woomy hangs onto the steering wheel
Woomy on the bed [06]
"LYONESS" license plate
License plate on Ford Expedition