Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Henderson Avenue and Glenn Street
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
Railroad crossbuck
"No parking this side of street"
Railroad crossing lights at Baltimore Street
Town Clock Church [01]
Town Clock Church [02]
Town Clock Church [03]
House with deteriorated uppermost level
600 block of Elm Street
211 Emily Street
Painted houses on Bedford Street [01]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [02]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
416 Park Street
310 Park Street
300 Park Street
402 Park Street
Satellite dish on roof of home
216 Park Street
Town Clock Church [04]
Maroon and white house on Bedford Street
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [01]
West Main and West Broad Streets, facing west
Main and Broad Streets, facing east
Forest Springs Drive [02]
Forest Springs Drive [03]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia, facing west
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
Forest Springs Drive [04]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [02]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [03]
West Broad Street in Waynesboro, Virginia
West Main and West Broad Streets in downtown Waynesboro
Pelham neighborhood in Waynesboro, Virginia
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [04]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [03]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [02]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [01]
East Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia
East Main and Broad Streets in Waynesboro, Virginia
Two-liter bottles of soda at Loblaws
Aerial view of Hot Springs, Virginia