The Roanoke Star, 2018
James Madison statue at night [03]
James Madison statue at night [02]
James Madison statue at night [01]
James Madison statue at night [04]
Abandoned book on a table [01]
Abandoned book on a table [02]
Abandoned book on a table [03]
Camera on tripod photographing abandoned book
Rosslyn Center [02]
Jump scooter in the middle of a plaza
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [04]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [05]
Rosslyn dome building
Pumping gas at a BP station
Fire hydrant in Clarendon
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [16]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [15]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [14]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [13]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [12]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [11]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [10]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [09]
Interior of former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [01]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [08]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [07]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [06]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [05]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [04]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [03]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [02]
Former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [01]
Interior of former Nobody Beats the Wiz in Springfield, Virginia [02]
No hand sanitizer on the PIN pad
Former Dixie Theater in Staunton, Virginia