Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
Mailbox with "NO FREE PAPERS" sign [02]
Orange Line train to Vienna
Treasury Department warehouse
No Dumping sign
View of Cumberland, Maryland
Parking violation notice
"Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
"NO PEE ZONE" sign
Family pool at Chelsea Hotel [02]
Family pool at Chelsea Hotel [01]
Camera photographing signs at Bel Alton Motel
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [09]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [11]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [12]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [08]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [07]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [10]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [04]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [05]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [06]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [01]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [02]
Water fountains closed at Tractor Supply
"Don't Shut Door Ever"
Sign for Turf Motel [01]
Sign for Turf Motel [02]
Sign for Turf Motel [03]
Sign for Turf Motel [04]
Sign for Turf Motel [05]
Sign for Turf Motel [06]
Mask signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
"Closed due to COVID-19"
"Please do not sit here" sticker
Notes on a sign in a locker room
Special COVID signage at H&M [02]
No grocery sales except when purchasing electronics
Political sign about ballot questions
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [11]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [12]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [10]
Fare machine for Ride On Flash bus
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
Hoodie with mask
"Littering is illegal" sign [01]
Bench at Staunton Mall [02]
Bench at Staunton Mall [01]
"Please enjoy food, drink & smoking before visiting the store"
Rules sign at Staunton Mall
Bench at Staunton Mall [03]
Know Knew Books
Trash memo at Hewitt Gardens Apartments
Signs in front of Lord & Taylor registers
"No refrigerated items in this room"
No parking sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company [01]
No parking sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company [02]
No kombucha refills
Anti-sitting device on a retaining wall
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [01]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [02]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [03]
Trading cards no longer sold in-store at Target
Construction sign at Gaithersburg Square
Hand sanitizer and COVID sign at Wegmans
Hell House [03]
Sign for Park Place Hotel
Sign for Castle in the Sand Hotel
"No one allowed passed [sic] this point without 100% fall protection"
Mailbox with "NO FREE PAPERS" sign [01]
No trespassing sign [02]
No trespassing sign [01]
Sign with corrected lettering
Unfinished Best Western hotel [01]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [02]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [03]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [04]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [05]
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [09]
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [10]