Squirrel in Farragut Square
Man sunbathing in Dupont Circle
Chess match in Dupont Circle [01]
Woman walking through Dupont Circle
Chess match in Dupont Circle [04]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [03]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [02]
National Zoo entrance sign
Squirel standing in Meridian Hill Park
Statue of Winfield Scott
No Armageddon For Bush [09]
No Armageddon For Bush [10]
No Armageddon For Bush [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [02]
No Armageddon For Bush [05]
No Armageddon For Bush [04]
No Armageddon For Bush [03]
No Armageddon For Bush [06]
No Armageddon For Bush [07]
No Armageddon For Bush [08]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [02]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [01]
Reading a book in Dupont Circle
October Rebellion [02]
October Rebellion [03]
October Rebellion [05]
October Rebellion [04]
October Rebellion [06]
October Rebellion [07]
October Rebellion [08]
October Rebellion [09]
October Rebellion [10]
October Rebellion [29]
October Rebellion [30]
October Rebellion [22]
October Rebellion [21]
October Rebellion [20]
October Rebellion [19]
October Rebellion [18]
October Rebellion [01]
October Rebellion [17]
Rick Hohensee for president [02]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [04]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [03]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [02]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [01]
Stead Park, viewed from 1616 P Street NW
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Anti-War Anniversary March [12]
Anti-War Anniversary March [09]
Anti-War Anniversary March [08]
Anti-War Anniversary March [07]
Anti-War Anniversary March [06]
Anti-War Anniversary March [05]
Anti-War Anniversary March [04]
Anti-War Anniversary March [03]
Anti-War Anniversary March [02]
Anti-War Anniversary March [01]
Anti-War Anniversary March [24]
Anti-War Anniversary March [23]
Anti-War Anniversary March [22]
Anti-War Anniversary March [21]
Anti-War Anniversary March [20]
Anti-War Anniversary March [19]
Anti-War Anniversary March [18]
Global Frackdown
Ryan Rastegar and Katy Kiefer
Basketball goal at Stead Park [02]
Washington Monument prior to scaffolding construction [01]
Flamingo at the National Zoo
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Lion at the National Zoo
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [04]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [05]