Sheetz in Fishersville, Virginia [01]
Sheetz in Fishersville, Virginia [02]
Property boundary mark
Dust mask at Barrister's Books
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [03]
New Street parking garage [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Visulite marquee [02]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [01]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [04]
Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [01]
New Street parking garage [02]
Drone selfie
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Sloan waterless urinal
Visulite marquee [01]
Intersection of Barristers Row and South Augusta Street
Urinal bee
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [02]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [05]
Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [02]
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Hotel 24 South [02]
Ballroom at Hotel 24 South [02]
Room 528 at Hotel 24 South
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Hotel 24 South [03]
1980s-era Walmart name badge
Stuarts Draft Middle School [01]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [02]
Stuarts Draft Middle School [02]
Stuarts Draft High School [01]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [03]
Stuarts Draft High School [02]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [04]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [05]
Stuarts Draft High School stadium [01]
Nibco Fieldhouse
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [06]
Intersection of US 340 and VA 608 [01]
Interstate 64 near Rockfish Gap [01]
Intersection of US 340 and VA 608 [02]
Interstate 64 near Rockfish Gap [02]
US 340 south in Stuarts Draft
Interstate 64 near Rockfish Gap [03]
US 340 north in Stuarts Draft
Interstate 64 near Rockfish Gap [04]
Walgreens in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [01]
Interstate 64 near Rockfish Gap [05]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [01]
Walgreens in Stuarts Draft, Virginia [02]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [02]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [03]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [04]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [05]
The Inn at Afton, October 2020 [06]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain, October 2020
Skyline Parkway Motor Court guest building, October 2020
Water storage tank on Afton Mountain
Edwards fire alarm pull station with handle down
New work shoes
K Market [01]
K Market [02]
K Market [03]
K Market [04]
No alcoholic beverages in the food court
Food court at K Market
Perfect peanut butter jar
Little River Turnpike plaque
Graffiti on WMATA railcar 3175
Bosch pull station at Ross in Martinsburg