Poff Federal Building [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [01]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [05]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [04]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [02]
Willis Tower from West Jackson Boulevard and South Franklin Street [03]
Fire alarm pull station at 4405 East-West Highway [02]
Fire alarm pull station at 4405 East-West Highway [01]
495 King Street West [03]
495 King Street West [02]
495 King Street West [04]
495 King Street West [01]
1616 P Street NW [02]
Former National Bank of Washington building
West Block of Parliament [03]
West Block of Parliament [02]
West Block of Parliament [04]
West Block of Parliament [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
West Block of Parliament [01]
Embassy Building
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Masonic Building [02]
Masonic Building [01]
Former News Virginian building [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [02]
Entrance to West Block building
Former News Virginian building [04]
Freight elevator at 495 King Street West
Former News Virginian building [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
Masonic Building [03]
Former News Virginian building [02]
Elevator shaft at 495 King Street West [01]
Elevator shaft at 495 King Street West [02]
Masonic Building [04]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [01]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
Elevator gate at 495 King Street West [02]
Masonic Building [05]
Top of the Empire State Building [04]
Former News Virginian building [01]
West Main Street and Church Street
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing east
Jackson Graham Building [02]
Freight elevator buttons [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [02]
Freight elevator buttons [02]
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Top of the Empire State Building [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [01]
Top of the Empire State Building [05]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [03]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [04]
Top of the Empire State Building [02]
Ice buildup in a freezer [02]
"Welcome to the Dungeon"
Empty floor in an office building [02]
Empty floor in an office building [01]
NPR building
Rosslyn from Georgetown University Library
Ice buildup in a freezer [01]
Jackson Graham Building [01]
Empty floor in an office building [03]
Jackson Graham Building in late afternoon
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [04]
Edwards-Spectronics pull station
News Virginian building
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [02]
Clifton Forge Town Hall [06]
620 South Gay Street
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]