Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [03]
Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [04]
Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [02]
Alexandra Bridge
Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [01]
Two slices from Pizza Pizza
Green Giant corn at Loblaws
Traffic light at Rideau and Nelson Streets [01]
Traffic light at Rideau and Nelson Streets [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
Confederation Building [01]
West Block of Parliament [03]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [02]
Tulipa agenesis
Centennial Flame [01]
Centennial Flame [04]
Centennial Flame [06]
West Block of Parliament [01]
Entrance to West Block building
West Block of Parliament [04]
Traffic light at Wellington and O'Connor Streets [02]
Traffic light at Wellington and O'Connor Streets [01]
Centennial Flame [02]
Centennial Flame [03]
Centre Block [01]
Selfie in front of the West Block [01]
Selfie in front of the West Block [03]
Selfie in front of the West Block [02]
Centennial Flame [09]
West Block of Parliament [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
West Block of Parliament [05]
View of Gatineau from Parliament Hill [01]
View of Gatineau from Parliament Hill [02]
Montreal Road eastbound from North River Road
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [04]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [02]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [05]
Canadian flag in front of the Westin Ottawa
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [01]
Pizza Pizza on Elgin Street [02]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [01]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [03]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [07]
Centennial Flame [08]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [01]
West Park Bowling [01]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [02]
West Park Bowling [02]
Traffic light at Montreal Road and North River Road
Confederation Building [02]
Centre Block [02]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [03]
West Park Bowling [03]
Centre Block [03]
Confederation Building [03]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [04]
West Park Bowling [04]
Peace Tower [01]
Lamppost outside of the Confederation Building
Peace Tower [02]
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [05]
West Park Bowling [05]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [06]
Urinal at West Park Bowling [01]
Peace Tower [03]
Urinal at West Park Bowling [02]
Peace Tower [04]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Construction signage on Parliament Hill
Public restroom on Parliament Hill
Pedestrian crossing sign on Parliament Hill
"Washrooms" signage at Gloucester Centre Walmart
Speed limit sign on Parliament Hill
Sewer manhole cover on Parliament Hill