Checkout number at Staunton Walmart
Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [09]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [02]
No grocery sales except when purchasing electronics
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [02]
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [01]
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
No-touching signage at Boscov's
Dollar Tree at Staunton Mall [02]
Dollar Tree at Staunton Mall [01]
This shelf has been counted for inventory
Hand-sanitizing sign at Egg Harbor Walmart
Indoor dining sign at Deptford Mall food court
Target recommends washing all produce
Health and safety sign at Boscov's
"Kindly ask your barista for straws or sugar to avoid cross contamination."
COVID signage at Lush
Hand sanitizer and COVID sign at Wegmans
Southpark Mall Youth Escort Policy sign
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Chick-fil-A sign reminding about respect
"Let's not linger" sign at IKEA
Bottles of Casey's soda
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [35]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [36]
"Positively no trash, smoking, or stock allowed"
at Black Dog Salvage
Black Dog Salvage
Kwik Trip gas pump with mute button [01]