Stones at Crandal Mackey Park
Trees at sunset
Water fountain at McIntire Park
Picnic table at McIntire Park
Vienna north parking garage
Vienna north parking garage
Vienna north parking garage
Elevator indicator at Vienna north garage
Trash can at Mill Mountain Park
Picnic table at Mill Mountain Park
Pigeon in Farragut Square
Tree at McIntire Park
Two trees and a lamppost
Huntington station entrance pylon, south entrance
Fountain in Meridian Hill Park, turned off
Statue of Dante Alighieri
Fountain at Malcolm X Park
Statue of Andrew Jackson [01]
Augusta County school bus at Ridgeview Park [01]
Augusta County school bus 145 [03]
Augusta County school bus 145 [02]
Augusta County school bus 145 [01]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [02]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [01]
Parking lot at New Carrollton
Stead Park, viewed from 1616 P Street NW
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Wrapped faucet at Glen Echo Park
Parry McCluer High School [01]
Parry McCluer High School [02]
Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park [01]
Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park [02]
Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park [03]
Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park [04]
Abandoned payphone sign
Outlet with exposed wiring
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [08]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [07]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [06]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [05]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [04]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [03]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [02]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [01]
N2277T lands at the Montgomery County Airpark
N2927Q lands at the Montgomery County Airpark [01]
N2927Q lands at the Montgomery County Airpark [02]
N8948C lands at the Montgomery County Airpark
Market Street parking garage
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [01]
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [02]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [01]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [02]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
New Street parking garage [01]
New Street parking garage [02]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [10]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [09]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [14]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [13]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [12]
Thunderbolt siren in Jessup Park [11]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [01]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [02]
Water pressure gauge on a fire standpipe system [03]
Elevator lobby at Dulles Airport parking garage
Sign about car relocation in snow
Reminders about the baseball game
Schneider Community Park
Buffalo Gap High School [01]
Buffalo Gap High School [02]
Buffalo Gap High School [03]
Buffalo Gap High School [04]
Buffalo Gap High School [05]
Buffalo Gap High School [06]
Michael J. Doyle Fishing Pier [02]
Michael J. Doyle Fishing Pier [01]