Rust on steel beams over Walnut Street
Siemens ACS-64 locomotive at Harrisburg [01]
Siemens ACS-64 locomotive at Harrisburg [02]
PRR 4859
Amfleet cab car at Harrisburg
Union Pacific Big Boy locomotive X4012 [01]
Union Pacific Big Boy locomotive X4012 [02]
Canadian National No. 47
Reading Company 902
Reading Company 903 [01]
Reading Company 903 [02]
Vintage railroad crossbuck
Toilet on railroad caboose
Horseshoe Curve funicular
Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [05]
Norfolk Southern 7023 and 7024
Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [04]
Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [03]
Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [02]
Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [01]
Norfolk Southern 7278 and 6909
Downtown Lititz, Pennsylvania [03]
Benjamin Franklin Bridge [05]
Benjamin Franklin Bridge [04]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [02]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [03]
Fire beneath Market-Frankford Line
Broad Street train at NRG station
Broad Street train at City Hall station [01]
Broad Street train at City Hall station [02]
Signal FT8 at 15th Street station
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [01]
40th Street trolley portal
Train at 15th Street station
Bump post at Brunner Island industrial spur [01]
Bump post at Brunner Island industrial spur [02]