Simplex (SigCom) pull station
Gamewell Century pull station [01]
Gamewell Century pull station [02]
Gamewell Century pull station [03]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [03]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [04]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [07]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [02]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [05]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [06]
Fire alarm pull station at former Park Inn [01]
Radionics pull station at Martin's
Sign for Pat's King of Steaks [01]
Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [01]
Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [02]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [03]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Cathedral of Learning [01]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Cathedral of Learning [02]
Mailbox at 94 West Main Street [01]
Mailbox at 94 West Main Street [02]
Fire alarm at 6 North Railroad Street
Fire alarm at 6 North Railroad Street