Ciro's Pizza E Cucina
Former Angelo's Pizza [01]
Former Angelo's Pizza [02]
1000-Series train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Chuck E. Cheese
Bristol sign [03]
Bristol sign [02]
Bristol sign [01]
Helen Henny
Intersection of Washington and Milk Streets
Munch's Make Believe Band
Mr. Munch
Help button
SlutWalk DC 2011 [26]
Decorated Statue of Liberty replica
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [05]
McDonald's on Frederick Road
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [04]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [03]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [05]
Red Line tunnel between Metro Center and Gallery Place
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Water Tower Place [01]
Water Tower Place [02]
Water Tower Place [04]
Glory of the Chinese Descendants [02]
Water Tower Place [03]
Glory of the Chinese Descendants [01]
Pizza Hut at 29th Place
Toilet at HomeGoods in Charlottesville
Selfie with the Augusta County Industrial Sites sign
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Eggs stamped with expiration dates
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Metrobus 2464 at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [01]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [04]
Gallery Place signage, lower level
Northgate Shopping Center [01]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [03]
The Cosby Show house [01]
Zocalo sign [01]
Zocalo sign [02]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [02]
Salem sign
Fireplace at Zane Showker Hall
The Shops at National Place
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
Zocalo sign [08]
The Cosby Show house [02]
View from John Hancock Center [01]
Zocalo sign [06]
John Hancock Center and surrounding buildings
West Dumplin Valley Road [03]
Macy's at Water Tower Place [01]
West Dumplin Valley Road [02]
Zocalo sign [03]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [02]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [01]
Zocalo sign [04]
West Dumplin Valley Road [01]
Zocalo sign [05]
Zocalo sign [07]
Water tower at 30 East Wacker Place
Sign in the window at Louie's Pizza [02]
Sign for Park Place Hotel
Fashion Centre at Pentagon City from the top level [01]
Apples at Roanoke City Market
Macy's at Water Tower Place [02]
Oranges at Roanoke City Market
"This vehicle not for sale" [01]
Red Line train at Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Wheelock fire alarm speaker/strobe in Ballston pedestrian bridge
PIDS screen at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Pears at Roanoke City Market
Sign in the window at Louie's Pizza [01]
Park Place [01]
Mismatched Edwards Genesis horn/strobe
Grosvenor Tower [04]