Smokestack at Brunner Island Steam Electric Station [08]
Smokestack at Brunner Island Steam Electric Station [09]
Smokestack at Brunner Island Steam Electric Station [10]
Smokestack at Brunner Island Steam Electric Station [11]
Smokestack at Brunner Island Steam Electric Station [12]
Schuylkill Canal
Ninjor toy [01]
Ninjor toy [02]
White's Ferry alarm switch
Abandoned sneaker
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [06]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [05]
Abandoned tire
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [04]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [03]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [02]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [01]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [06]
Outlet with exposed wiring
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [02]
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [01]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [04]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [05]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [03]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [02]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [08]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [07]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [01]
Debris after power washing [02]
Debris after power washing [01]
Kiddie car display at Target
Power transmission lines in Laytonsville
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [07]
Power lines through Montgomery Village
Atlantic City wind turbines [01]
Atlantic City wind turbines [02]
Atlantic City wind turbines [03]
Atlantic City wind turbines [04]
Atlantic City wind turbines [05]
IKEA Bergshult shelves
Red Wild Force Ranger wearing necktie and face mask
Faded stop sign [01]
Faded stop sign [02]
Picton of Birlstone and Glenbrooke
Shoes on a power line [01]
Shoes on a power line [02]
Subway closed due to lack of manpower
Sunset near Enfield, North Carolina [01]
Sunset near Enfield, North Carolina [02]
US 17/NC 55 bridge over the Neuse River [03]
Powerboat off of the shore in Virginia Beach [01]
Powerboat off of the shore in Virginia Beach [03]
Rudee Flipper [01]
Powerboat off of the shore in Virginia Beach [02]
Rudee Flipper [02]
Siren at 1300 West Broad Street [01]
Three Mile Island [05]
Three Mile Island [13]
Three Mile Island [39]
Three Mile Island [41]
Three Mile Island [02]
Three Mile Island [37]
Three Mile Island [38]
Parking lot at Three Mile Island Training Center [01]
Three Mile Island [29]
Three Mile Island [10]
Three Mile Island [23]
Three Mile Island [24]
Three Mile Island [15]
Three Mile Island [19]
Three Mile Island [32]
Three Mile Island [33]
Three Mile Island [35]
Three Mile Island [40]
Post-flight selfie near Three Mile Island
Three Mile Island [01]
Three Mile Island [11]
Three Mile Island [12]
Three Mile Island [16]