John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame [02]
John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame [01]
Secret Service Police vehicle
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Stepping on photo of Muammar Gaddafi
Forward on Climate Rally [78]
Jefferson Memorial at night [01]
Fountain at FDR Memorial [01]
Bas-relief panels at FDR Memorial
Bread line at FDR Memorial
Washington Monument from FDR Memorial
Lincoln Memorial at night
Jefferson Memorial at night [02]
Fountain at FDR Memorial [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from across the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial [11]
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin
Statue of Abraham Lincoln
Woman taking a photo at the FDR Memorial
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin [01]
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin [02]
Trump sticker at Harrisburg train station
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Sign for Casey Health Institute
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [06]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [05]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [04]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [03]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [02]
Steamer trunk at Habitat ReStore [01]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [23]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [27]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [03]
Historical marker for Augusta County on US 250
Model of Corey LaJoie's Trump 2020 racecar [02]
Model of Corey LaJoie's Trump 2020 racecar [01]
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [03]
Political graffiti at the Pilot truck stop in Greenville, Virginia
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [01]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [02]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [03]
Wanted for President 2024
President Heads [01]
President Heads [02]
President Heads [03]
President Heads [04]