Payphones at New Market rest area
Blue Star Memorial Highway marker at New Market rest area
Pennsylvania Turnpike Cumberland Valley Service Plaza
Sign for Interstate 95 southbound at Maryland House
Interstate 95 sign at Maryland House
Forward on Climate Rally [89]
Forward on Climate Rally [41]
Forward on Climate Rally [40]
Forward on Climate Rally [18]
Forward on Climate Rally [16]
Plungefest 2014 [38]
South side of Maryland House
North side of Maryland House
East side of Maryland House
Gas station at Maryland House
Exterior of Chesapeake House [01]
Interior of Chesapeake House
Delaware House, September 2014 [01]
Delaware House, September 2014 [02]
Delaware House, September 2014 [03]
Delaware House, September 2014 [04]
Delaware House, September 2014 [05]
Delaware House, September 2014 [06]
Delaware House, September 2014 [07]
Goochland rest area, westbound [03]
Goochland rest area, westbound [02]
Goochland rest area, westbound [01]
COVID-19 rest area signage
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [01]
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [02]
"Don't Shut Door Ever"
Exit sign at South Mountain rest area [01]
Exit sign at South Mountain rest area [03]
Exit sign at South Mountain rest area [02]
No water fountain due to COVID
Delaware House main entrance [04]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [02]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [01]
Cow-themed tip jar at Starbucks
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [03]
"Throne out of order"
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [02]
Sign pointing the way to Atlantic City
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [01]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [04]
Help keep the restroom clean
Closed sink at Belk men's store
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Toilet at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Sign in the restroom at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Sign with corrected lettering
"Welcome to North Carolina" sign
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Capacity sign at Food Lion
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Please don't spit into the urinals
Truck rest area sign
Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
Cranberry's employees must wash their hands
Reminder to always flush
Out-of-order urinal
Tourist information sign at West Virginia welcome center
Blue Star Memorial Highway marker at Crozet rest area
Pointing at something that says "Tennessee" on it
Selfie at I-40 rest area
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [01]
Tommy Pickles, reminding restroom users of proper etiquette
Urinal at Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson
COVID disinfection schedule on a clipboard at Whole Foods Market
"Restroom close for cleaning"
Restroom at Thousand Islands duty-free store [01]
Hand washing sign at La Pataterie Hulloise
Sign on GoLo gas station restroom door
Walt Whitman Service Plaza
Bagged urinal at Cook Out
Sign on restroom door at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [01]
The Nap Nook
"Pleas keep it close!!"