Picnic table at New Market rest area northbound
New Market rest area, I-81 northbound
New Kent rest area, eastbound
Goochland rest area, westbound [03]
Goochland rest area, westbound [02]
Goochland rest area, westbound [01]
Child/toddler friendly stall at New Kent rest area
Interior of New Kent rest area, westbound
Interior of New Kent rest area, eastbound
COVID-19 rest area signage
Restroom at Vienna station
Urinal at West Falls Church station
Sloan waterless urinal
Urinal bee
Toilet at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Toilet at HomeGoods in Charlottesville
Sign in the restroom at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Passenger restroom at Wiehle-Reston East station
Exeloo restroom at OmniRide Transit Center [02]
Exeloo restroom at OmniRide Transit Center [01]
Toilet on the USS Wisconsin
Urinal on the USS Wisconsin
Shower room on the USS Wisconsin
Bathroom in the USS Wisconsin's brig
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [02]
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [01]
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Pressure-assisted toilet
Bathroom in room 506 at the Hampton Inn in Newport News
Please don't spit into the urinals
Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [01]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [02]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [03]
Second-floor restroom at Zane Showker Hall
Back hallway at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Clear foaming skin cleanser
Empty rack in vending machine at Ladysmith rest area
Bang energy drink at Ladysmith rest area
Candy machine at Ladysmith rest area
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Restroom at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Restroom at King Street station
Toilet at Sherando Lake
Green Earth foaming skin cleanser
Political graffiti at the Pilot truck stop in Greenville, Virginia
Betco Clario Foaming Anti‑Bacterial Skin Cleanser at Best Buy in Harrisonburg, Virginia
Fire alarm strobe at Home Depot in Harrisonburg
Urinal at Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson
Spartan foamyiQ Cranberry Ice foaming handwash dispenser