Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [07]
Zurn urinal at The Fields at RFK Campus
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Toilet at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Toilet at HomeGoods in Charlottesville
Sign in the restroom at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Fire alarm strobe at Kroger in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
Passenger restroom at Wiehle-Reston East station
Fire alarm strobe at Kroger in Charlottesville, Virginia [01]
Simplex TrueAlert horn/strobe
Exeloo restroom at OmniRide Transit Center [02]
Exeloo restroom at OmniRide Transit Center [01]
Interior of Goldsboro Flea Market
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Restroom stall with an ashtray
Capacity sign at Food Lion
Barn door between bathroom and closet at the Hampton Inn in Goldsboro, North Carolina
Bathroom in room 333 at the Hampton Inn in Goldsboro, North Carolina [01]
Bathroom in room 333 at the Hampton Inn in Goldsboro, North Carolina [02]
Toilet on the USS Wisconsin
Urinal on the USS Wisconsin
Shower room on the USS Wisconsin
Bathroom in the USS Wisconsin's brig
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [02]
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [01]
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Pressure-assisted toilet
Bathroom in room 506 at the Hampton Inn in Newport News
Urinal at Battlefield Harley-Davidson
Please don't spit into the urinals
Sinks at Round One in Deptford, New Jersey
Restroom at 25 Penncraft Avenue [01]
Restroom at 25 Penncraft Avenue [02]
Pink foaming skin cleanser
Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [01]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [02]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [03]
Second-floor restroom at Zane Showker Hall
Back hallway at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Holes drilled into a tile
Toilet at Sysco Discount Food Center [01]
Toilet at Sysco Discount Food Center [02]
Clear foaming skin cleanser
Empty rack in vending machine at Ladysmith rest area
Bang energy drink at Ladysmith rest area
Candy machine at Ladysmith rest area
Elyse photographs in the Mormon Temple [01]
Elyse photographs in the Mormon Temple [02]
Sink at the Mormon Temple [01]
Sink at the Mormon Temple [02]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [01]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [02]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [03]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [04]
Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Restroom at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Cranberry's employees must wash their hands
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [02]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [03]
Reminder to always flush
Out-of-order urinal
Restroom at King Street station
Nearly-empty roll of toilet paper
Toilet at Sherando Lake
Green Earth foaming skin cleanser
Restroom at Virginia Square-GMU station
Restroom at the Sunsphere [01]
Restroom at the Sunsphere [02]
Restroom at the Sunsphere [03]
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [01]
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [02]
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [03]
Political graffiti at the Pilot truck stop in Greenville, Virginia
Restroom at New Carrollton station [03]
Restroom at New Carrollton station [04]
Stinky pine cones hanging on a door
Tommy Pickles, reminding restroom users of proper etiquette