Toilet at Save A Lot store
Purchase limit notice
Empty toilet paper aisle at Target
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Elyse holds a roll of toilet paper
Limit on paper products at CVS
Sign asking that customers limit purchases
Elyse peeks out from behind a shower curtain
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [01]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [02]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [04]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [03]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [02]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [01]
Restroom at Breezewood Sheetz
Toilet at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Toilet at HomeGoods in Charlottesville
Sign in the restroom at Qdoba in Charlottesville
Fire alarm strobe at Kroger in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
Fire alarm strobe at Kroger in Charlottesville, Virginia [01]
Reminder about being neat in the restroom
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [02]
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [01]
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Urinal at Battlefield Harley-Davidson
Sinks at Round One in Deptford, New Jersey
Back hallway at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Front aisle of Twinbrook Safeway
Toilet at Sysco Discount Food Center [01]
Toilet at Sysco Discount Food Center [02]
Cranberry's employees must wash their hands
Reminder to always flush
Out-of-order urinal
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [01]
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [02]
Men's restroom at Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [03]
Political graffiti at the Pilot truck stop in Greenville, Virginia
Stinky pine cones hanging on a door
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [05]
Fire alarm strobe at Home Depot in Harrisonburg
Urinal at Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson
Religious restroom stall graffiti
Restroom at Mezeh
Restroom at Walmart in Watertown [03]
Restroom at Thousand Islands duty-free store [02]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [05]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [02]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [03]
Stall without door at Sheetz in Dunmore, Pennsylvania [01]
Stall without door at Sheetz in Dunmore, Pennsylvania [02]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [01]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [04]
Discarded bottle of Fireball
Art at Kohler Design Center
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [01]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [02]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [03]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [04]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [05]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [06]
Restroom graffiti at H Mart in Frederick, Maryland [07]