Legacy Theaters box office [01]
Legacy Theaters box office [02]
Legacy Theaters box office [03]
Movie theater and food court entrance at Staunton Mall [01]
Movie theater and food court entrance at Staunton Mall [02]
Staunton Mall movie theater building
Styrofoam mannequin head wearing a mask [02]
Styrofoam mannequin head wearing a mask [01]
Social distancing sign at Cheesecake Factory
Plastic screens in Whole Foods parking garage
"Please use a tissue to make your selection"
Social distancing signage in front of an escalator
Touching allowed, but don't hold them near your face
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [02]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [01]
Closed entrance at Pottery Barn in King of Prussia Mall
Lego shark wearing a mask [02]
Lego shark wearing a mask [01]
Hand-sanitizing sign at Egg Harbor Walmart
Indoor dining sign at Deptford Mall food court
Keypad guard at Giant Food in Burtonsville, Maryland [02]
Keypad guard at Giant Food in Burtonsville, Maryland [01]
COVID-19 signage at New Grand Mart
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [01]
All debit cards being processed as credit
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [02]
"Mouth and nose must be covered at all times"
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [03]
Red Wild Force Ranger wearing necktie and face mask
Help keep the restroom clean
Martin's salad bar, blocked off
Closed sink at Belk men's store
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [01]
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [03]
Masks required at Kroger
No kombucha refills
Pandemic-related signage at Target [06]
Regal Cinemas at Dulles Town Center
"Micro Center is OPEN"
Marty robot wearing a mask [01]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [03]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [01]
Eating a hot dog at Sheetz
Marty robot wearing a mask [02]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [02]
Health and safety sign at Boscov's
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
"Kindly ask your barista for straws or sugar to avoid cross contamination."
Repurposed face mask display
Construction sign at Gaithersburg Square
COVID signage at Lush
Staunton Mall with fence [11]
Staunton Mall with fence [12]
H&M face mask policy sign
Hand sanitizer and COVID sign at Wegmans
Mannequin wearing a shirt with matching mask
Mask sign at Food Lion in Westminster, Maryland
Discarded face mask at Frederick Crossing
"Protection kits" at Acme
Mask cookie [01]
Mask cookie [02]
Sign on the door at Duross & Langel
CVS/pharmacy in former Newton Theatre
Capacity sign at Food Lion
"Let's not linger" sign at IKEA
Individually packaged bagels at Walmart
Closed water fountains at Barnes & Noble
Hand sanitizer station at Dick's Sporting Goods
COVID-19 notice at Manchester Lakes Barker Shop
COVID sign at Cartoon Cuts
Cafes in the Forest [01]
Cafes in the Forest [02]
"Z-Burger now is a COVID free zone"
Staunton Mall demolition progress [41]
Staunton Mall demolition progress [42]
Staunton Mall demolition progress [43]
Staunton Mall demolition progress [44]
Employee dining room at Wegmans
COVID sign at Woodforest National Bank