Picnic table at New Market rest area northbound
Skylight in Chicago Union Station
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]
Waffle House temporarily closed for repairs [01]
Waffle House temporarily closed for repairs [02]
Equipment on the roof of the Hause Building [05]
Equipment on the roof of the Hause Building [02]
Equipment on the roof of the Hause Building [01]
Equipment on the roof of the Hause Building [03]
Equipment on the roof of the Hause Building [04]
Norfolk World Trade Center
Neighborhood in Clifton Forge, Virginia [02]
Neighborhoods in Covington, Virginia
Wenonah Elementary School [01]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [03]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [01]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [02]
West Washington Street in downtown Charles Town
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [03]
Intersection of George Street and Caroline Street
279 Brooklee Ridge Lane
Highland County Schools