Danger sign at Virginia Beach
Quiet Zone sign [01]
Quiet Zone sign [02]
Signs on US 30 outside Breezewood
Warning sign before Breezewood
Speed hump sign
Railroad signal with button copy [04]
Railroad signal with button copy [03]
Railroad signal with button copy [02]
Railroad signal with button copy [01]
Federal Signal Model 5 siren on the Hanover Street Bridge
Height warning sign on US 321
"Inappropriate truck route"
"Blind persons crossing ahead"
"Look left-right-left before pulling out"
Crossbuck on Boulevard de la Cité [01]
Crossbuck on Boulevard de la Cité [02]
Pedestrian crosswalk sign at Toronto Pearson International Airport
"Autistic child area" sign
12'4" low clearance warning sign [01]
12'4" low clearance warning sign [02]