Statue of James Madison [04]
Statue of James Madison [01]
Statue of James Madison [02]
Statue of James Madison [03]
Statue of James Madison [05]
Iwo Jima Memorial [01]
Iwo Jima Memorial [02]
James Madison statue
Marine Corps War Memorial
Decorated bust of Edgar Allan Poe
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [01]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [03]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [04]
Robot Cyborg Muffler Man [01]
Robot Cyborg Muffler Man [02]
James Madison statue at night [03]
James Madison statue at night [02]
James Madison statue at night [01]
James Madison statue at night [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [08]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [09]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [10]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [11]
Mevluda Tahirovic Memorial Garden [01]
Mevluda Tahirovic Memorial Garden [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [08]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [12]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [13]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [14]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [15]
Buffalo statue at Junction Convenience
Petersburg Courthouse [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [03]
Petersburg Courthouse [04]
Petersburg Courthouse [05]
Petersburg Courthouse [06]
Petersburg Courthouse [07]
Petersburg Courthouse [08]
Petersburg Courthouse [09]
Petersburg Courthouse [10]
Petersburg Courthouse [11]
Petersburg Courthouse [12]
Petersburg Courthouse [13]
Petersburg Courthouse [14]
Petersburg Courthouse [15]
Petersburg Courthouse [16]
Petersburg Courthouse [17]
Petersburg Courthouse [18]
Petersburg Courthouse [19]
Petersburg Courthouse [20]
Petersburg Courthouse [21]
Cousin Itt [01]
Cousin Itt [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [22]
Petersburg Courthouse [23]
Petersburg Courthouse [24]
Petersburg Courthouse [25]
Petersburg Courthouse [26]
Petersburg Courthouse [27]
Petersburg Courthouse [28]
Petersburg Courthouse [29]
Petersburg Courthouse [30]
Petersburg Courthouse [31]