Rocks on the beach at Montauk Point [01]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [04]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [07]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [05]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [01]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [10]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [08]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [03]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [09]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [11]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [06]
Rocks on the beach at Montauk Point [02]
Rock stack on the beach at Montauk Point [02]
Rocks on the beach at Montauk Point [03]
Wave crashing around a boulder at Montauk Point [01]
Shoreline at Montauk Point beach [02]
Shoreline at Montauk Point beach [01]
Wave crashing around a boulder at Montauk Point [02]
Wave crashing around a boulder at Montauk Point [03]
Overlook at Sunset Park [01]
Overlook at Sunset Park [02]
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [01]
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [02]
Corridor at Tower City Center
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [01]
Roof over the Chelsea Hotel's lower levels
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [02]
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [02]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [01]
Rocks in the Hampton River [01]
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [01]
Toronto Union Station
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [03]
Grave marker for Billy Critzer [02]
Rocks at Devil's Den
Sign for Devil's Den
Rocks in the Hampton River [02]
Post office in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Triangular concrete pad
Rooftop path at the Chelsea Hotel
Susquehanna River between Dauphin and Marysville, Pennsylvania [03]
Grave marker for Miriam Shifflett [04]
Springfield Executive Building [01]
Canadian Tire in Gatineau, Quebec [01]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [03]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [01]
Plaque at Breezewood fire department
Grave marker for Charity Billings [04]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [02]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [06]
Grave marker for Charity Billings [05]
Elyse sits on a rock [01]
Elevator lobby at Tower City Center
Herb garden at the Chelsea
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Springfield Executive Building [02]
Elyse sits on a rock [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Springfield Executive Building [03]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [02]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [03]
Sign for Tom Frost Firestone [07]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [01]
Sign for Tom Frost Firestone [01]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [08]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [06]
Water Steps
Sign for Tom Frost Firestone [06]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [07]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [02]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [05]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [05]
Sign for Tom Frost Firestone [02]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [06]
Hopewell Municipal Building
625 Market Street
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Sign for Tom Frost Firestone [05]