Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [17]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [18]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [19]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [05]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [16]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [15]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [14]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [13]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [11]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [12]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [08]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [10]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [09]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [06]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [07]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [03]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [02]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [04]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [01]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [08]
March on the Pentagon [01]
March on the Pentagon [05]
March on the Pentagon [02]
March on the Pentagon [03]
March on the Pentagon [04]
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets
Illegal parking at bus stop
Traffic light at Main Street and Dover Road
Fog on Hewitt Avenue
Stop sign graffiti
Forward on Climate Rally [112]
Forward on Climate Rally [82]
Forward on Climate Rally [81]
Forward on Climate Rally [39]
Forward on Climate Rally [33]
Forward on Climate Rally [09]
Forward on Climate Rally [08]
Forward on Climate Rally [07]
Forward on Climate Rally [06]
Stop sign at end of Forest Springs Drive
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
1901 North Charles Street
Stop. Really.
One way and stop sign
One way sign leaving a shopping center [02]
One way sign leaving a shopping center [01]
Ballenger Creek Pike and Mountville Road [01]
Ballenger Creek Pike and Mountville Road [02]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [05]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [04]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [03]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [02]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [01]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [03]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [02]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [05]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [04]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [01]
Brink and Wightman Roads [03]
Brink and Goshen Roads [03]
Brink and Goshen Roads [01]
Brink and Goshen Roads [06]
Brink and Goshen Roads [09]
Brink and Wightman Roads [02]
Brink and Goshen Roads [02]
Brink and Goshen Roads [07]
Brink and Goshen Roads [10]
Brink and Wightman Roads [01]
Brink and Goshen Roads [04]
Brink and Goshen Roads [05]
Brink and Goshen Roads [08]
Intersection of Jefferson Park Avenue, Harris Road, and Camellia Drive
Stop sign at Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company
Faded stop sign [01]
Faded stop sign [02]
Faded stop sign at New Bern Mall [03]
Stop sign at Chick-fil-A
Faded stop sign at New Bern Mall [02]