Woman shopping for purses
Operation Fail Game [14]
Operation Fail Game [13]
Operation Fail Game [12]
Operation Fail Game [11]
Operation Fail Game [10]
Operation Fail Game [09]
Operation Fail Game [08]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [17]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [14]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [13]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [38]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [36]
Student reading in Astronomy Park
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [27]
Anti-War Anniversary March [06]
Bradley Manning rally [02]
Woman waiting for her dog
Woman walking along Lake Michigan
Woman and dog
SlutWalk DC 2011 [24]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [23]
Ryan Rastegar and Katy Kiefer
Two women sitting on High Rock
Two women looking at their cell phones at High Rock
Two people standing on High Rock
Couple looking at their cell phones at High Rock
Couple taking photos from High Rock
Melissa takes a selfie
Elyse plays Galaga at the Sunsphere
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [48]