Stuarts Draft Middle School fire alarm control panel [02]
Stuarts Draft Middle School fire alarm control panel [01]
Tanglewood Mall sign
Entrance to Potomac Mills
Denny's Classic Diner
Stonewall Jackson Hotel sign
Water tower at 30 East Wacker Place
Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [01]
Wilkins Shoe Center
Front end at Walmart on Richmond Highway
Empress Hotel sign
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [03]
Asbury Park Casino arcade [03]
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [02]
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [01]
Asbury Park Casino arcade [01]
Vintage Arby's sign in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Vintage Arby's sign in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [03]
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [03]
Discarded "Oklahoma" record
Beltway Motel guest building [01]
Beltway Motel sign
Beltway Motel guest building [02]
White Elk Motel
Motel Valencia
State Theatre, Culpeper, Virginia [01]
State Theatre, Culpeper, Virginia [02]
State Theatre, Culpeper, Virginia [03]
Dixie Theater
Wright's Dairy-Rite sign
Vintage exit sign at Privacy World
Vintage McDonald's sign in Magnolia, New Jersey [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]
Wilson Hall Auditorium
Fire-Lite BG-6 at 11161 New Hampshire Avenue [01]
Fire-Lite BG-6 at 11161 New Hampshire Avenue [02]
Marlow Heights Shopping Center
Ames bag on the side of the road [02]
Ames bag on the side of the road [01]
PRR 4859
Octagonal "SLOW" sign
Ace Hotel gymnasium [01]
Ace Hotel gymnasium [02]
Ace Hotel gymnasium [03]
Ellenco 5C at 932 South Walter Reed Drive [04]
Ellenco 5C at 932 South Walter Reed Drive [05]
Ellenco 5C at 932 South Walter Reed Drive [03]
Ellenco 5C at 932 South Walter Reed Drive [02]
Ellenco 5C at 932 South Walter Reed Drive [01]
Vintage Acme pull station [02]
Vintage Acme pull station [01]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [02]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [01]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [03]
Vintage toilet at Masonic Building
National Valley Bank plaque
Marquis Building [02]
Masonic Building [01]
Marquis Building [01]
Vintage US&S railroad signals [03]
Vintage US&S railroad signals [04]
Vintage US&S railroad signals [02]
Vintage US&S railroad signals [01]
Flowers growing on a retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [04]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [03]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [02]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [01]
Vintage Cadillac ambulance [02]
Vintage Cadillac ambulance [01]
Ninjor toy [01]
Ninjor toy [02]