Resist the Greenscare march [05]
Resist the Greenscare march [04]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [01]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [11]
October Rebellion [29]
October Rebellion [30]
October Rebellion [02]
Resist the Greenscare march [07]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [08]
Woman speaking at Stop the Machine demonstration
Anonymous DC August raid [10]
Over 9000 Anon March [15]
Anonymous DC August raid [09]
Resist the Greenscare march [06]
Anonymous DC August raid [08]
Over 9000 Anon March [14]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [04]
Speaker at Jubilee USA Network demonstration
World Bank/IMF demonstration [03]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [02]
World Can't Wait demonstration [02]