South Bank Lion
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [01]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [03]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [04]
Bread line at FDR Memorial
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Mevluda Tahirovic Memorial Garden [01]
Mevluda Tahirovic Memorial Garden [02]
Buffalo statue at Junction Convenience
(Here I Stand) In the Spirit of Paul Robeson
"Joy of Life" fountain [01]
"Joy of Life" fountain [02]
"Joy of Life" fountain [03]
"Joy of Life" fountain [04]
"Joy of Life" fountain [05]