Ever Forward [16]
Ever Forward [17]
Ever Forward [18]
Ever Forward [19]
Ever Forward [20]
Ever Forward [21]
Ever Forward [22]
Ever Forward [23]
Ever Forward [24]
Ever Forward [25]
Ever Forward [26]
Ever Forward [27]
Ever Forward [28]
Ever Forward [29]
Enchantment of the Seas [01]
Enchantment of the Seas [02]
Enchantment of the Seas [03]
Enchantment of the Seas [04]
Enchantment of the Seas [05]
Enchantment of the Seas [06]
Enchantment of the Seas [07]
Enchantment of the Seas [08]
Enchantment of the Seas [09]
Enchantment of the Seas [10]
Enchantment of the Seas [11]
Enchantment of the Seas [12]
Enchantment of the Seas [13]
Enchantment of the Seas [14]
Former restaurant sign in Petersburg, Virginia [01]
Former restaurant sign in Petersburg, Virginia [02]
Elyse listens to bubbles
Wheelock speaker and strobe at the National Aquarium
Wheelock strobe at the National Aquarium
Wood turtle at the National Aquarium
Elyse photographs David at the National Aquarium
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [01]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [02]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [03]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [04]
Fort Carroll [10]
Fort Carroll [03]
Fort Carroll [07]
Fort Carroll [04]
Fort Carroll [05]
Fort Carroll [09]
Fort Carroll [02]
Fort Carroll [06]
Fort Carroll [08]
Fort Carroll [01]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [01]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [03]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [02]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [04]
Scrub Daddy retail store [23]
Scrub Daddy retail store [22]
Scrub Daddy retail store [21]
Scrub Daddy retail store [20]
Scrub Daddy retail store [19]
Scrub Daddy retail store [18]
Scrub Daddy retail store [17]
Scrub Daddy retail store [16]
Scrub Daddy retail store [15]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [01]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [02]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [03]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [04]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [05]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [06]
Indian River Inlet Bridge [07]
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [01]
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [02]
Couple walking on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland
Woomy and me
David amongst the lobby decor [01]
David amongst the lobby decor [02]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [01]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [02]
Woomy atop the Langley Garage
Woomy rides the luggage cart
Woomy sits on a bed at Hotel 24 South [02]