Pamlico Sound at Haulover [03]
Pamlico Sound at Haulover [04]
Pamlico Sound at Haulover [05]
Lighthouse keeper's quarters at Cape Hatteras [01]
Lighthouse keeper's quarters at Cape Hatteras [02]
Lighthouse keeper's quarters at Cape Hatteras [03]
Lighthouse keeper's quarters at Cape Hatteras [04]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [01]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [02]
Base of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [01]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [03]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [01]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [02]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [03]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [04]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [05]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [06]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [07]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [08]
View from the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse [09]
Submerged object sign
Tip jar
Waves crashing on the rocks [04]
Waves crashing on the rocks [03]
Waves crashing on the rocks [02]
Waves crashing on the rocks [01]
Mound of sand on the beach [02]
Mound of sand on the beach [01]
Ocean City beach
Beach chairs
Beach selfie
Sea Scape Motel Parking
Piney Point shoreline [01]
Piney Point shoreline [02]
Beached mushroom cap jellyfish
Asbury Park beach [02]
Asbury Park beach [01]
Asbury Park Casino [01]
Playing a vintage baseball arcade game
Asbury Park Casino [02]
Asbury Park Casino [03]
Asbury Park Casino arcade
Middle section of the Asbury Park Casino [01]
Middle section of the Asbury Park Casino [02]
Construction on Esperanza site [01]
Construction on Esperanza site [02]
Construction on Esperanza site [03]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse on a cloudy morning [02]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse on a cloudy morning [01]
Bird droppings on fishing pier
Ocean City Fishing Pier [05]
Sea gulls on the beach at Ocean City [01]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [03]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [02]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [04]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [05]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [06]
Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [07]
Sea gull flying over the beach at Ocean City
Sea gulls on the beach at Ocean City
Ocean City Boardwalk [01]
Person using metal detector on beach [01]
Person using metal detector on beach [02]
Ocean City beach [01]
Mickey Mouse kite in flight
Ocean City beach [02]
Ripples in the sand
Padlock attached to Ocean City Fishing Pier
Candy Kitchen
"The future is now" graffiti
Sea gull in flight [06]
Candy apples
Sea gull in flight [07]
Sea gull in flight [04]
Sea gull in flight [01]
Sea gull in flight [05]
Sea gull in flight [03]
Sea gull in flight [02]
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [02]
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [01]