Potomac Yard station [10]
Fleet of the Future Expo [01]
Platform at Ogilvie Transportation Center
"Do not feed the birds" sign
"STAIRS" sign at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
"STAIRS" sign at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
Red Line platform at Jackson station [02]
Entrance to Fort/Cass station
Column signage at Jay Street-MetroTech station
Column signage at 5th Avenue-Bryant Park station
People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station
SEPTA sign outside Walnut-Locust station
Bus directory sign at Glenmont station
Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station
Lighted wall signage at Tower City station
Entrance sign at 4th Avenue/9th Street station
Directional sign at Jackson station
"B.M.T. Subway" mosaic at 4th Avenue/9th Street station
Red Line platform at Jackson station [01]
"Coney Island" mosaic at 4th Avenue/9th Street station
Exit to 10th Street and 4th Avenue
No smoking sign at East 55th Street station
Rules sign at East 55th Street station
Apartment balcony decorated for Halloween
Handwritten completion of "BLOOR"
Exit sign at Christie station
Misspelled sign at Wiehle-Reston East station [01]
PATCO sign outside 15/16th & Locust Street Station
Misspelled sign at Wiehle-Reston East station [02]
Platform at Fulton Street station
PIDS screen at Reston Town Center station [01]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [03]
Wall sign at Ashburn station
Federal Triangle station entrance pylon
PIDS screen at Reston Town Center station [02]
Car 6165 at Stadium-Armory
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [02]
Entrance to Rosedale station [04]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [02]
Entrance to Rosedale station [01]
Eastbound platform at Lyon station
Entrance to Rosedale station [02]
Column at 28th Street station [01]
Crossbuck with bent arm
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [04]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [01]
Clarendon station [03]
Wall signage at Fort Totten station, lower level
Weathered railroad crossing sign [04]
Eight-car mark at West Falls Church station
Signage at Suitland station
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [05]
40th Street trolley portal
Column at Hoyt Street station
PIDS screen at Ashburn station
PIDS screen at Loudoun Gateway station
South pedestrian bridge at Herndon station
Column at 28th Street station [02]
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [01]
Fort Totten station name sign
"No one allowed passed [sic] this point without 100% fall protection"
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [01]
Tile mosaic at Cathedral Parkway-110th Street station
Amtrak Carolinian near Halifax, North Carolina
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [02]
Clarendon station entrance pylon
Column at Cathedral Parkway-110th Street station
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [03]
PIDS screen at McPherson Square
Sign in a breakroom at Ballston-MU station
Court House station entrance pylon
Delays at Vienna station
Station name plaque at Cheverly
Platform at Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station [01]
Benning Road station entrance pylon
COVID-era signage still in place at Jackson station
Spring Hill station in the evening [01]
Work vehicles at High Street-Brooklyn Bridge station [02]
SmarTrip Express Lanes at Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
Fuel-efficient vehicle parking at Ashburn station