Fountain at Delta Chelsea Hotel
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [01]
Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
Chestnut Street and Hickory Avenue
Street signs at the intersection of Madison Place and H Street NW
No parking sign on Gathright Dam [01]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [17]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [18]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [19]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [05]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [16]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [08]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [09]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [06]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [03]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [02]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [04]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [01]
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [02]
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [03]
Million Worker March [04]
Million Worker March [12]
Pentagon City station entrance pylon [02]
Quiet Zone sign [01]
Trafflc signals over Bluestone Drive and Duke Drive [02]
Trafflc signals over Bluestone Drive and Duke Drive [03]
Trafflc signals over Bluestone Drive and Duke Drive [01]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [01]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [02]
East Main Street and Court Street
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [15]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [17]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [18]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [21]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [19]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [22]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [24]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [26]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [27]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [28]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [29]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [30]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [16]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [20]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [23]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [25]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [08]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [07]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [11]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [14]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [06]
Quiet Zone sign [02]
"Scoop Your Pet's Poop"
October Rebellion [15]
October Rebellion [12]
October Rebellion [14]
October Rebellion [16]
October Rebellion [13]
Entrance to Freedom Park
Ho Sai Gai
Funk the War 9 [14]
Funk the War 9 [13]
Funk the War 9 [12]
Funk the War 9 [06]
Funk the War 9 [04]
Funk the War 9 [03]
Funk the War 9 [02]
"Don't Dump" plaque
Ramp Closed
US 254 shield
5th and H Streets NW
500 block of H Street NW
H Street NW street sign
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
Madbury Road street signs
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [01]
No Bicycles On Sidewalk