Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [03]
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [02]
Sign for Exit 268
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [01]
Interstate 64 westbound in Hampton, Virginia
Wayne Theater [01]
Wayne Theater [03]
Wayne Theater [02]
Wayne Theater [04]
Waynesboro, Virginia historical marker [01]
Waynesboro, Virginia historical marker [02]
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
March on Crystal City [28]
Plumb House [01]
Eight-car mark at West Falls Church station
US 254 shield
National Valley Bank plaque
Masonic Building [01]
Goochland rest area, westbound [03]
Goochland rest area, westbound [02]
Goochland rest area, westbound [01]
Tan A Supermarket
Enterprise Rent-A-Car on West Broad Street
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [01]
Restroom sign at West Falls Church [02]
Face covering required [01]
Face covering required [02]
Speed limit 4 mph
Notes on a sign in a locker room
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [01]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [02]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
Building is closed for cleaning
Former News Virginian building [05]
Former News Virginian building [03]
Former News Virginian building [04]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [04]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Exxon on West Main Street
One way sign on West Frederick Street
Shield for State Route 254 [01]
Shield for State Route 254 [02]
Sharp Shopper in Waynesboro, Virginia
Sheetz in Waynesboro, Virginia
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [01]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [02]
Out of gas at the Exxon on West Main Street [03]
Faded stop sign [01]
Faded stop sign [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Little River Turnpike plaque
Reassurance marker for US 460 Business westbound [01]
Reassurance marker for US 460 Business westbound [02]
Shields for US 60 and US 220 [01]
Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [01]
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [02]
Sign advertising an auction
Holiday Inn Express on Staples Mill Road [01]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [01]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [02]
Holiday Inn Express on Staples Mill Road [02]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [03]
Marquee at the Byrd Theatre [01]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [01]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [02]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [03]
No parking sign in Carytown
Marquee at the Byrd Theatre [02]
Sign at the border between Augusta and Highland Counties [03]
Historical marker for Highland County on US 250
Historical marker for Augusta County on US 250
Confederate Breastworks sign
Sign at the border between Augusta and Highland Counties [02]
Sign at the border between Augusta and Highland Counties [01]