Rosslyn tunnel portal
Metro and CSX tracks in Northeast DC
Metro D Route pocket track [01]
Greenbelt interlocking
College Park interlocking [01]
College Park interlocking [02]
Metro D Route pocket track [02]
CSX Capital Subdivision tracks
Interlocking signal at Anacostia station
Silver Spring pocket track
Largo Town Center interlocking
Signal at Branch Avenue rail yard
Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
Interlocking signal at Sheppard-Yonge
Interlocking signal at 72nd Street on the Second Avenue Subway
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [03]
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [04]
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [01]
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [05]
Rail crossing at South Maple Avenue [02]
Fire alarm at Trenton Park & Ride [02]
Fire alarm at Trenton Park & Ride [01]
Fire alarm strobe at Fulton Street station
Red Wheelock RSS strobe at New York Transit Museum
Signal FT8 at 15th Street station
View west from Roosevelt platform
View east from Roosevelt platform
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [01]
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [02]
Signal X-238 at East 55th Street station
Route selector box at East 55th Street station
Fire alarm at Shaw-Howard University station [01]
Fire alarm at Shaw-Howard University station [02]