Stonewall Jackson Hotel sign
Former Lowe's sign
Hometown Grill and Buffet [01]
Hometown Grill and Buffet [02]
Dixie Theater
Wright's Dairy-Rite sign
National Valley Bank plaque
Masonic Building [01]
Habitat for Humanity ReStore [01]
Closing sale signage at JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia
JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia, with store-closing signs [04]
JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia, with store-closing signs [02]
Mall entrance to JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia
JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia, with store-closing signs [03]
JCPenney in Staunton, Virginia, with store-closing signs [01]
Staunton Miniature Speedway
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [11]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [12]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [10]
COVID signage in downtown Staunton
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [01]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [02]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
Visulite marquee [02]
Visulite marquee [01]
Intersection of Barristers Row and South Augusta Street
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Neon breakfast sign
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [21]
Overview of Staunton Mall [01]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [02]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [06]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [17]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [03]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [04]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [07]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [11]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [13]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [18]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [01]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [05]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [08]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [10]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [16]
Bench at Staunton Mall [02]
COVID sign at Staunton Mall
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [09]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [12]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [15]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [19]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [14]
Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [20]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [01]
COVID sign at Family Barber & Beauty [01]
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service in Staunton Mall [01]
Bench at Staunton Mall [01]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [02]
"Please enjoy food, drink & smoking before visiting the store"
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [03]
Belk wing entrance corridor [03]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [01]
COVID sign at Family Barber & Beauty [02]
Family Barber & Beauty
Rules sign at Staunton Mall
Overview of Staunton Mall [02]
Overview of Staunton Mall [03]
Corridor at center entrance to Staunton Mall [02]
Overview of Staunton Mall [04]
Staunton Mall Belk wing [05]
Overview of Staunton Mall [05]
Overview of Staunton Mall [06]
Staunton Mall Belk wing [06]
Cell Express [02]
Overview of Staunton Mall [07]
Bench at Staunton Mall [03]
Overview of Staunton Mall [08]
Hot Wok [01]