Fire alarm in Roop Hall [04]
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [02]
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [03]
Johnson Controls pull station
Standard horn with double projector
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [01]
Standard 4-350 horn with Space Age AV32 light plate
Gamewell Century pull station in Crystal City Underground
Edwards pull station in Crystal City Underground [03]
Rosslyn upper level platform [02]
Rosslyn upper level platform [01]
Edwards pull station in Crystal City Underground [01]
Edwards pull station in Crystal City Underground [02]
East Main Street and Court Street
Blue Moon Galleries
Third-generation Mercury Sable
Silver Line bridge pier
Activated Edwards pull station
Rooster at the Irish farm [01]
Rooster at the Irish farm [02]
Wiehle-Reston East
Spring Hill platform canopy
Spring Hill station entrance pylon
Entrance to Greensboro station
Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
McLean station entrance pylon [01]
Silver Line VIP parking lot
Mezzanine at Wiehle-Reston East
Public address speakers and fire alarm strobes at Greensboro station
Faregates at Spring Hill station
Posing for a photo with the pylon at Wiehle-Reston East
Train arriving at Wiehle-Reston East station
Mezzanine at Tysons Corner station
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [01]
Ballston-MU station
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [02]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [03]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [02]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [01]
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [03]
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [04]
Banana peel at East Falls Church station
Escalators at East Falls Church
East Falls Church station platform [01]
East Falls Church station platform [02]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [04]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [05]
Temporary street signs [03]
Temporary street signs [02]
Temporary street signs [01]
Shelf full of Mountain Dew
Signage on cooler door at Sheetz
East Falls Church station platform [03]
East Falls Church station platform [04]
Breakroom at East Falls Church station [01]
Information screens at East Falls Church station
Breakroom at East Falls Church station [02]
Breakroom at East Falls Church station [03]
Charlottesville Hardware Company building
Interior of 316 East Main Street [01]
Edwards fire alarm pull station with handle down
"Steal supplies 4 art"
Rosslyn station upper level [04]
Rosslyn station upper level [02]
Rosslyn station upper level [03]
Rosslyn station upper level [01]
UV sanitizing device on an escalator handrail
East Falls Church station platform [05]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [03]
Discarded face mask at East Falls Church
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [01]
Misspelled sign at Wiehle-Reston East station [02]
Misspelled sign at Wiehle-Reston East station [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [02]
Discarded pink Oreo cookie
Ford Focus with "BOOBOOX" license plate
Spring Hill station in the evening [01]
Spring Hill station in the evening [02]