Softball catcher
Discarded cigarettes in ashtray
Superliner cafe/lounge car
Walmart in Waynesboro, Virginia during remodel
Pepsi Throwback
Mountain Dew Throwback
Jeep Cherokee with flat tires
Coke bottles at Eastern Market
Pack's Dairy Corner [02]
Pack's Dairy Corner [01]
Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero bottles at Target
Edwards pull station at Olney Indoor Swim Center [03]
Giant Food #2304 [02]
Giant Food #2304 [07]
Former Yogi Castle
Diet Pepsi
Frozen drink
Crystal Pepsi
North Market Pop Shop
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [02]
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [01]
C-Plus Orange at Walmart in North York
A&W root beer at Walmart in North York
Cheerwine at soda fountain
Shelf full of Mountain Dew
Soft drink cooler at Sunoco station
Clothing area at Walmart in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [01]
Clothing area at Walmart in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [02]
Soft drinks at Giant Food
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [01]
Bottles of Crush soda [02]
Bottles of Crush soda [01]
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [02]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [01]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [02]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [03]
Beverage aisle at Egg Harbor Walmart
Dr Pepper cotton candy
Elyse and the Scrub Daddy
Schneider Community Park
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [01]
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [03]
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [02]
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
Pepsi truck outside of a Shell station
Sodas at H Mart in Gaithersburg
Abandoned drink cup on a sign
Faded Coke bottles
Ball-shaped Coke bottles
Caffeine free Mountain Dew
Woomy looks at styrofoam cups at Sheetz
Woomy, stuffed into a styrofoam cup
Drink cooler at Sheetz in Goldsboro, North Carolina [01]
Soda selection at Goldsboro Harley-Davidson
Drink cooler at Sheetz in Goldsboro, North Carolina [02]
Soft drinks at Food Lion in New Bern
Bottles of Pepsi at Food Lion in New Bern
Pepsi Soda Shop bottles at Sheetz
Bottles of Mountain Dew Uproar
Elyse holds a bottle of Faygo soda
Faygo soda at Carlie C's
Soda fountain on USS Wisconsin [02]
Pepsi machine on the USS Wisconsin [02]
Soda fountain on USS Wisconsin [01]
Pepsi machine on the USS Wisconsin [01]
Ball fields ahead
Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Elyse photographs bottles of soda
Soda at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Pepsi Bottling Group sign
Empty rack in vending machine at Ladysmith rest area
Pepsi bottle cap with Turkish writing
Texas Tavern [03]
Texas Tavern [04]
Texas Tavern [05]
Texas Tavern [06]
Texas Tavern [07]
Texas Tavern [08]
Sun Drop vending machine
Historic wing lighting at Hotel 24 South