Dixie Theater
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [01]
Bridge to Johnson Street parking garage
Path around Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Top of the New Street garage
National Valley Bank plaque
Masonic Building [01]
George M. Cochran Judicial Center [01]
COVID signage in downtown Staunton
Staunton Clock Tower [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [03]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [01]
Floor indicator on Johnson Street parking garage elevator [02]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
Stuffed dinosaur wearing a mask
Green streak down Barristers Row
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [02]
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [04]
Property boundary mark
Dust mask at Barrister's Books
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [03]
New Street parking garage [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [01]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [04]
Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [01]
New Street parking garage [02]
Drone selfie
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Intersection of Barristers Row and South Augusta Street
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [02]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [05]
Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Mitsubishi 3000GT in New Street parking garage [03]
Mitsubishi 3000GT in New Street parking garage [01]
Mitsubishi 3000GT in New Street parking garage [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [10]
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
Staunton Clock Tower [04]
Masonic Building [05]
Staunton Clock Tower [13]
Staunton Clock Tower [09]
Rooftop patio at 2 North Central Avenue
Staunton Clock Tower [05]
Masonic Building [03]
Staunton Clock Tower [11]
Staunton Clock Tower [08]
Staunton Clock Tower [06]
Masonic Building [04]
Staunton Clock Tower [07]
Masonic Building [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [12]
One way sign on West Frederick Street
Shield for State Route 254 [01]
Shield for State Route 254 [02]
101 West Frederick Street [01]
101 West Frederick Street [02]
Fire alarm pull station at New Street parking garage [05]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [02]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [03]
Former Dixie Theater in Staunton, Virginia
Former location of Schmid's Printery
George M. Cochran Judicial Center [02]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [06]