Waves crashing on the rocks [02]
Waves crashing on the rocks [01]
Mound of sand on the beach [02]
Mound of sand on the beach [01]
Beached mushroom cap jellyfish
Bodie Island Lighthouse [02]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [01]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [05]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [03]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [04]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [06]
Dead tree near Bodie Island Lighthouse
Bodie Island Lighthouse [09]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [08]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [07]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [11]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [10]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [13]
Bodie Island Lighthouse [12]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse on a cloudy morning [02]
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse on a cloudy morning [01]
Edge Hill Cemetery near sunset [01]
Edge Hill Cemetery near sunset [02]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [10]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [09]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [08]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [07]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [06]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [05]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [04]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [03]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [02]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [01]
Cornerstone at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Edge Hill Cemetery [16]
Edge Hill Cemetery [17]
Edge Hill Cemetery [18]
Edge Hill Cemetery [19]
Edge Hill Cemetery [20]
Edge Hill Cemetery [21]
Chili's in Martinsburg [01]
Chili's in Martinsburg [02]
Chili's in Martinsburg [03]
Springfield Executive Building [01]
Springfield Executive Building [02]
Springfield Executive Building [03]
Edge Hill Cemetery [22]
Edge Hill Cemetery [23]
Edge Hill Cemetery [24]
Edge Hill Cemetery [25]
Edge Hill Cemetery [26]
Edge Hill Cemetery [27]
Edge Hill Cemetery [28]
Edge Hill Cemetery [29]
Edge Hill Cemetery [30]
Edge Hill Cemetery [31]
Edge Hill Cemetery [32]
Edge Hill Cemetery [33]
Edge Hill Cemetery [34]
Edge Hill Cemetery [35]
Edge Hill Cemetery [36]
Grave of Zachariah MacCubbin Waters [01]
Grave of Zachariah MacCubbin Waters [02]
Hartman plot at Goshen Mennonite Cemetery
Former site of Shanghai Presbyterian Church
Edge Hill Cemetery [49]
Edge Hill Cemetery [48]
Edge Hill Cemetery [47]
Edge Hill Cemetery [46]
Edge Hill Cemetery [45]
Edge Hill Cemetery [44]