14th Street Bridge [02]
14th Street Bridge [01]
L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [01]
L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [02]
Escalators at L'Enfant Plaza station, Maryland Avenue entrance
L'Enfant Plaza station entrance pylon, February 2003
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Anti-Nazi protest [11]
Anti-Nazi protest [10]
Anti-Nazi protest [09]
March on Crystal City [20]
March on Crystal City [19]
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [02]
Southwest Freeway [02]
Southwest Freeway [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from a field west of 15th Street SW [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from a field west of 15th Street SW [02]
Overflowing solar compactor trash can
Google Street View car on Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [01]
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [02]
Parking citation
Traffic signal on 7th Street SW
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [04]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [06]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [07]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [03]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [01]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [02]
Water tower in Pikeville, North Carolina [05]
Break space at Metro headquarters
View of I-395 from WMATA bridge [01]
View of I-395 from WMATA bridge [02]
Roanoke from above Main Street SW